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Wednesday, August 9, 2023


1Title: "The Mischievous Squirrel's Lesson"

If you want to purchase this story " The Mischievous Squirrel's Lesson" then you must Contact us 

Price : $8

CONTACT US : WHATSAPP +8801970499203. 24/7 ONLINE 

You can also identify this number from Website +8801970599203

Delivery : I will provide you the story through WhatsApp link and through the link you can download the story video with the speech, caption, subtitles and concepts. And then you can use the story book for selling on Amazon or other platform like Quora and other platform
 Payment system : 1. PayPal
                                2. Perfect money
                                3. Trust wallet or binance        

2. Title: The Silly Race

If you want to purchase this story " The Silly Race Lesson" then you must Contact us.

Price : $8

CONTACT US : WHATSAPP +8801970499203. 24/7 ONLINE 

You can also identify this number from Website +8801970599203

Delivery : I will provide you the story through WhatsApp link and through the link you can download the story video with the speech, caption, subtitles and concepts. And then you can use the story book for selling on Amazon or other platform like Quora and other platform

Payment system : 1. PayPal
                                2. Perfect money
                                3. Trust wallet or binance       

3. Title: The Adventures of Luna the Curious Star

If you want to purchase this story " The Adventures of Luna the Curious Star" then you must Contact us 

Price : $10

CONTACT US : WHATSAPP +8801970499203. 24/7 ONLINE 

You can also identify this number from Website +8801970599203

Delivery : I will provide you the story through WhatsApp link and through the link you can download the story video with the speech, caption, subtitles and concepts. And then you can use the story book for selling on Amazon or other platform like Quora and other platform
 Payment system : 1. PayPal
                                2. Perfect money
                                3. Trust wallet or Binance                          

4. Title: The Magical Seed's Journey

If you want to purchase this story " The Magical Seed's Journey" then you must Contact us 

Price : $8

CONTACT US : WHATSAPP +8801970499203. 24/7 ONLINE 

You can also identify this number from Website +8801970599203

Delivery : I will provide you the story through WhatsApp link and through the link you can download the story video with the speech, caption, subtitles and concepts. And then you can use the story book for selling on Amazon or other platform like Quora and other platform
 Payment system : 1. PayPal
                                2. Perfect money
                                3. Trust wallet or Binance     

5. Title: The Wise Oak's Lesson                    

If you want to purchase this story " The Wise Oak's Lesson" then you must Contact us 

Price : $12

CONTACT US : WHATSAPP +8801970499203. 24/7 ONLINE 

You can also identify this number from Website +8801970599203

Delivery : I will provide you the story through WhatsApp link and through the link you can download the story video with the speech, caption, subtitles and concepts. And then you can use the story book for selling on Amazon or other platform like Quora and other platform
 Payment system : 1. PayPal
                                2. Perfect money
                                3. Trust wallet or Binance 

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